
Reading / Unit 2: Subjunctive Clauses (Mệnh đề giả định)

Ngày đăng: 2015-12-17
  • S + recommend, insist, suggest, advise, propose, request, ask, require, demand, urge, convince (that) S + V infinitive.
Eg: He insisted that he be right
I strongly recommended that he not go out that night
  • We also use: It’s necessary, important, vital, essential, imperative, critical that + S + V infinitive.
Eg: It is vital that Mary come here on time.
It is necessary that, Mary be here tomorrow.
Substitutes for If clauses
  • Verb…, and/or…: Here,
“and” nghĩa là “if so – nếu vậy”, và “or” nghĩa là “if not – nếu không.”
Ex: Speed up a little more, and we will catch his car.
      Study hard for your exam, or you won’t get a good grade.
  • Note: Acomma should precede and/or when replacing ifclause.
  • Otherwise (= If not), Or else
Ex: We should hurry up; otherwise, we will be late. (Khẩn trương, nếu không ta sẽ bị muộn.)
      Be careful, or else you will make a mistake. (Cẩn thận, nếu không bạn sẽ mắc lỗi.)
      We did everything we could do; otherwise, we could not have finished in time. (Ta đã làm mọi việc có thể; nếu không, ta đã không thể hoàn thành đúng kế hoạch.)

Eg: Adverb clause
- If I don’t eat breakfast, I get hungry.
- You’ll get wet unless you take your umbrella.
- I always eat breakfast. Otherwise, I get hungry during class.
- You’d better hurry, or (else) you’ll be late.
Using OTHERWISE and Or (else)
1. If I don’t call my mother, she will start worrying about me.
-> I am going to/ should/ had better/have to/must call my mother. Otherwise, she’ll start worrying about me.
2. If you don’t leave now, you’ll be late for class.
3. If you don’t go to bed, your cold will get worse.
4. Unless you have a ticket, you cant get into the theater.
5. You can’t enter that country unless you have a passport.
6. If Tom doesn’t get a job soon, his family won’t have enough money for food.
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