
Reading / Unit 9: Vocabulary – Verbs 3

Ngày đăng: 2015-12-17
  1. Appoint: Bổ nhiệm, chỉ định
  2. Collaborate: Hợp tác, phối hợp
  3. Prolong: Kéo dài
  4. Held: Được tổ chức
  5. Reject: Từ chối
  6. Increase: Tăng
  7. Expire: Mãn hạn, hết hạn
  8. Guarantee: Đảm bảo
  9. Diagnose: Chẩn đoán
  10. Contribute: (Contribute A to B) Đóng góp
  11. Achieve: Đạt được
  12. Revise: Sửa đổi
  13. Retain: Giữ, giữ lại
  14. Feature: Có sự góp mặt, bao gồm, n. đặc điểm
  15. Attend: Tham dự
  16. Seek: Tìm kiếm
  1. ……..the seminar
  2. ……..the price
  3. ………on the new project
  4. ………to the company
  5. ……..illnesses
  6. ………the help of experts
  7. …… in four days
  8. ………the proposed contract
  9. The conference is…………
  10. He was……… to the position of director.
  11. Tips on how to………….. the life of your computer.
  12. The warranty will………… next month.
13. Withman Construction is considering…………. a new residential area next to Lake Louise.
A. revising
B. achieving
C. developing
D. contributing
14. RTP Consulting will………..its current name despite the fact that it is merging
with a firm larger than that.
A. Receive
B. inquire
C. grant
D. retain
15. Ms.Chapman…….. Mr.Thompson a raise even though the company was losing money at that time.
A. Implemented
B. inquired
C. surprised
D. granted
16. Mr Samuels intends to…………concerns about the company’s falling sales.
A. Collabrate
B. expire
C. address
D. prolong
17. The vice president has been………..last month.
A. Appointed
B. achieved

1. Attend
2. increase
3. work
4. contribute
5. diagnose
6. seek
7. guarantee
8. reject
9. held
10. appointed
11. prolong
12. expire
13. developing
14. retain
15. granted
16. address
17. appointed
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