
Reading / Unit 11: Vocabulary 2

Ngày đăng: 2015-12-18
  1. Additional:/ə'di∫ənl/ a. thêm vào, phụ vào, tăng thêm
  2. Affordable: /ə'fɔ:dəbl/ a. có thể chấp nhận được (về mặt tài chính)
  3. Current: /'kʌrənt/: hiện tại
  4. Detailed:/'di:teild/ a. chi tiết
  5. Limited: /'limitid/  a. hạn chế
  6. Responsible:  [ri'spɔnsəbl] a. có trách nhiệm, chịu trách nhiệm
  7. Complete: /kəm'pli:t/ a. hoàn toàn, đầy đủ, hoàn thành, xong
  8. Substantial: /səb'stæn∫əl/; đáng kể, quan trọng, trọng yếu
  9. Considerable:  [kən'sidərəbl] a. đáng kể, to tát, lớn lao
  10. Reliable:  [ri'laiəbl] a. chắc chắn, đáng tin cậy; xác thực (tin tức...)
  11. Optimistic:  [,ɔpti'mistik] a. lạc quan
  12. Apparent:  [ə'pærənt] rõ ràng, bày tỏ ra ngoài, thấy rõ ra ngoài
  13. Initial:  [i'ni∫əl] a.  ban đầu, lúc đầu
  14. Following:  ['fɔlouiη] a. tiếp theo đó, sau đây
  15. Leading:  /'li:diη/ a. hàng đầu, dẫn đầu
  16. Eligible:  ['elidʒəbl] a. đủ tư cách, thích hợp
1. Put an............. effort
2. the most..........employee
3. is .............. about growth in sales
4. it has become.......... that
5. because of its..........cost
6. according to the.............. document
7. a.............. international company
8. She receive the award.
9. Currency exchange is.......... at the front desk twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
A. eligible          
 B. apparent                 
 C. available                 
 D. optimistic
10. Medal Equipment Rental, a multinational corporation based in Canada, is one of the......... companies in the rental equipment industry.
A. detailed              
B. current              
C. affordable          
D. additional
11. The ......... shipment of books should arrive in stores two days before the title is released for sale to the public.
A. eligible               
B. initial        
C. substantial
D. considerable
12. As a construction manager, Mr. Park was.............for the successful completion of the downtown office building renovation project.
A. following                 
B. detailed
C. responsible
D. affordable
13. It became.......... that Mr. Gonzales needed more assistance after his team nearly missed several important deadlines.
A. apparent                 
B. current
C. eligible
D. complete
14. Even though the computer was purchased on Tuesday, it was not delivered until the........... Saturday.
A. upcoming                
B. available
C. frequent
D. following
1. considerable
2. reliable
3. optimistic
4. apparrent
5. affordable
6. following
7. leading
8. eligible
9. available
10. leading
11. initial
12. responsible
13. apparent
14. following
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